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Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesay, and the rest of these gentlemen having asked me to write down the whole particulars about Treasure Island, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the Bearing of the island, and that only because there is still treasure not yet lifted, I take up my pen in the year of grace 17__ and go back to the time when my father kept the Admiral Benbow inn and the brown seamen with the sabre cut first took up his lodging under one roof. |
Reading entails a complex array of multiple cognitive processing tasks, in which the brain is continually processing and integrating visual, linguistic, and conceptual information.
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First, the human mind must PERCEIVE the characters of the text. We are only able to perceive a small span of about 9 to 15 characters at a time -- essentially a small peep-hole of perception in our visual field -- and this small peep-hole of perception must be continually moved through a sea of words on the page or screen, with most of the surrounding words competing for our visual attention. This first step, that is, trying to serially home in on one word after another in conventional block text -- which appears as a Sea of Words -- has been called one of the most challenging tasks for the human visual system in modern civilization.
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Conventional Text presentation only permits character perception of ~9 characters in a
horizontal row at each fixation. |
Next, we must DECODE the perceived characters into
sounds, and these individual character sounds must then be fused into groups of sounds that
correspond to a word that the reader recognizes from his or her spoken vocabulary.
The next cognitive process in reading: we PARSE the syntactic
structure of the sentence; that is, we interpret how words relate to one another to form
groups of words or phrases, and how these groups of words relate to other groups of words.
In Speech, prosodic attributes -- such as inflections and pauses -- help the listener
parse the syntax of the spoken sentence. In Reading, because conventional block text
lacks the parsing cues of speech, we must continually parse and re-parse a sentence as
we see, decode, and interpret the text one word at a time. Often we must re-read words
because we misinterpret their syntax the first time. These regressions, which reflect
the very hard work and difficulty of parsing sentences, account for up to 20% of eye
movements in reading.
Finally, using the syntax and the meanings of individual
words, we BUILD SENTENCE MEANING as a whole. Again, with speech, this
overall task of comprehending happens automatically as we listen, because each word and
phrase is simultaneously accompanied by prosodic syntactic clues. When reading block
text, we lack these cues; the task of comprehending is serial, incremental, integrative, and
vastly more difficult.
This is where LiveInk comes in: The great reading opportunity of electronic text is that digital content can be read by a machine. This machine readability can be used to analyze text for syntactic structure, grammatical attributes, word difficulty, pronunciation attributes, and the like, and the results of this analysis can then be used to give shape to the presentation of text, using patterns that enable the eye and the mind to work together to build meaning for the reader. Thus the first sentence of Treasure Island is transformed from a sea of words, to this:
   Squire Trelawney,           Dr. Livesay,         and the rest               of these gentlemen           having asked me                  to write                       down the whole particulars                     about Treasure Island,           from the beginning               to the end,         keeping nothing back             but the                  Bearing of the island,           and that only             because there is still                   treasure not yet lifted,         I take               up my pen                   in the year                       of grace 17__              and go back                   to the time             when my father                  kept the Admiral Benbow inn                       and the brown seamen                     with the sabre                      cut first               took up his lodging                       under one roof. |
To see another illustration of how standard block text impedes good reading,
and how LiveInk addresses the problem,
click here.
Otherwise, you may return toWhat is LiveInk?
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